>Functional Polymers and Polymer Materials Lab

at Polymer Science Department of School of Chemistry, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Functional Polymers Group
Polymer Materials Group


Polymer Science Department, School of Chemistry, Moscow State University, 1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia

Lab building A, Rooms 405, 422, 425

voice +7 495 939 31 27,

+7 495 939 33 61,

+7 495 939 31 14

fax +7 495 939 01 74

2006 - JYRNOFF

Русская версия

Functional Polymers Group


N.S. Melik-Nubarov

Dr. Nickolay MELIK-NUBAROV (e-mail, publications)
Scientific supervisor, Head of the Group. Self-organization in biological and chemical systems, polymer drugs, interaction between polymers and biological membranes.

I.D.Grozdova Dr.Sc. Irina GROZDOVA (e-mail, publications)
Studies on the influence of polymer on biochemical processes in cells (ATP, cAMP content, activity of membrane enzymes, cAMP-dependent proteinkinase and caseinekinase in MDR cells).
N.A.Alexandrova Dr. Natalia ALEXANDROVA (publications)
Influence of polymers on permeability and stability of cell membranes.
T.Yu.Dorodnych Dr. Tatiana DORODNYCH (publications)
Influence of polymers on permeability and stability of cell membranes

Post-graduate students


Vladimir BUGRIN (e-mail, publications)
Correlation between structure of low molecular weight molecules and their interactions with amphiphilic polymers

T.V.Demina Tatiana DEMINA (e-mail, publications)
Effect of composition and structure of amphiphilc polymer on its interaction with cells

Artem ZHIRNOV (e-mail, publications, website jyrnoff.narod.ru)
Molecular level mechanisms of interaction between amphiphilic polyalkyleneoxides and cells

A.K.Berkovich Anna BERKOVICH (e-mail, publications)
Interaction between polyanions and lipid membranes
Yu.K.Valeeva Yulia VALEEVA (e-mail, publications, website: yukava.livejournal.com)
Construction of polymers for oligonucleotide delivery
D.N.Pavlov Dmitry PAVLOV (e-mail, publications)
Correlation between achitecture of amphiphilc macromolecule and its ability to change biological membranes properties
M.V.Kitaeva Marina KITAEVA
Interaction between polyelectrolyte complexes and model membranes, including influence of membrane elasticity

Undergraduate Students


Elizaveta TRUKHANOVA (e-mail, publications)
Correlation between structure of polycations and their interaction with DNA

T.M.Zhientayev Timur ZHIYENTAYEV(e-mail, publications)
Influence of amphiphilic copolymers on photocatalytic activity of porphirins

Molecular mechanisms of interaction between amphiphilic polyalkyleneoxides and cells

M.V.Roslova Maria ROSLOVA ()
Effect of composition and structure of amphiphilc polymer on its interaction with cells
P.Veremeeva Polina VEREMEEVA ()
Interaction between polyanions and cell membranes in weakly-acidic medias
O.Zaborova Olga ZABOROVA ()
Influence of amphiphilic macromolecules on properties of lipid membranes
E.Sobinina Ekaterina SABININA ()
Complexation between polycations and nucleic acids



Dr Andrey KRYLOV, Magdeburg, Germany
Гомогенный флуориметрический иммуноанализ циклоспорина А на основе поли-(N-этил-4-винил-пиридиний бромида)


Dr. Mikhail KOZLOV, Millipore Co., США
Корреляция между структурными параметрами вещества и его способностью взаимодействовать с амфифильными макромолекулами


Взаимодействие поликатионов с белково-липидными мембранами

Взаимодействие поликатионов с мембранными ферментами
I.B.Okuneva Irina OKUNEVA
Влияние поликатионов на проницаемость отрицательно заряженных липидных мембран

Dr. Oxana KRYLOVA (POMAZ)Magdeburg, Germany
Взаимодействие амфифильных сополимеров с модельными мембранами. Влияние сополимеров на скорость трансмембранной миграции липидов и проницаемость липидных мембран

D.A.Firsov Dmitryt FIRSOV
Влияние амфифильных блок-сополимеров на свойства липидных мембран. Исследование сополимеров на основе полидиметилсилоксана и перфторгексил-этилметакрилата
P.E.Antonov Petr ANTONOV
Взаимодействие графт-сополимеров полилизина и полиэтиленоксида с О-пиромеллитилграмицидином, встроенным в модельные липидные мембраны
A.A.Pashkovskaya Alina PASHKOVSKAYA, Belozersky Institute, Moscow
Взаимодействие полимеров с ионными каналами

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